Did I not post anything in 2014??? Apparently not. Well, it was a busy year. Not only did I attend my first IJA convention 20 years but the basement now houses 2.5 pinball machines (Fire Power and Spirit of 76) and a Pac Man. I’m still on the lookout for more at a reasonable price. I spent a fair amount of time building a video pinball machine but didn’t quite get it finished before the weather turned cold. It WILL be done in 2015. I’ve also been working with Arduino microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi’s. I also got my YouTube channel off the ground. It will really take off in 2015 with HD video, edited video, a theme song (yep), bigger projects, and much more (really!). Check it out at:
The cold weather has slowed down the painting on the arcade cabinet. The thing is, there’s not that much left to do. We have had a day here and there that’s been warm enough. Cross your fingers for an early spring!
Not much postworthy of late. It’s hard to believe that I haven’t posted in four months! In that time I’ve just been working on re-designing the www.statususer.org web site, doing computer maintenance for the family, and assembling the new “Pod PC”. This will give my podcasting home a permanent spot. It’s my first time working with a Shuttle case. It’s a bit cramped on the inside but should look cool when I’m done. The STATUS site should be published before Christmas. Look for a new podcast in 2012. I’ve got the structure defined and a supporting web site created. I want to get two or three shows ready before unleashing it on the world.
There’s more to come in 2012.