The 2011 Road Ahead
I learned many years ago not to make New Year’s resolutions. I pick some goals, which could be subject to change as the year goes on and start down that path. As Covey says, “Begin with the end in mind”. It’s time to start the new year and with the new year comes new goals and challenges, both personal and technical in nature. In 2010 the technical challenges were to migrate this and the NPNP sites to a new host, set up a self-hosted blog and forum on those sites, and then integrate them into the site infrastructures. Along the way some web pages were redesigned and others were written from scratch. In the end they were cleaner and more contestant. The 2011 technical challenges will be to get up to speed with web database applications and active server pages both for SQL Server and ASP.NET on Windows and MySQL and PHP Linux. Like last year, my sites will be updated to use the things I have learned. At present I don’t have a Windows based host configured but that’s another challenge.
From a personal standpoint time management will likely be the challenge of the year. To paraphrase Horstman, time management is a myth; what we really do is manage tasks and activities. Time may be a constraint but constraints make goals possible. Over the past few weeks of 2010 I’ve made arrangements to shuffle some tasks to free up some time to work on the studying. Will it be sustainable? Check back in 2012 and I’ll let you know.
All the best to you in 2011.